Essential Guide to Costs: Top Glass Partition Suppliers in Abu Dhabi

Surendra Kumar


16 May 2024


Essential Guide to Costs

Glass partitions have become a staple of modern interior design, providing functionality, aesthetics and an open, airy feel to both residential and commercial spaces. Abu Dhabi, with its rapid growth and modern architectural trends, has a thriving market for glass partition suppliers. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide to Essential Guide to Costs of glass partitions in Abu Dhabi by reviewing some of the leading suppliers and factors affecting the overall cost.

The rise of glass partitions in Abu Dhabi

In recent years, Essential Guide to Costs glass partitions have gained popularity due to their versatility and ability to transform spaces. They are widely used in offices to create transparent meeting rooms, in homes to separate living areas without obstructing natural light, and in retail stores to increase the visual appeal of a space. The growing demand for glass partitions has led to the emergence of several leading suppliers in Abu Dhabi offering a range of products and services.

Factors affecting the cost of glass partitions

1. Type of glass

The type of glass used in partitions is one of the primary factors affecting price. Common options include:

  • Clear glass: The most affordable option that offers transparency and a clean look.
  • Frosted glass: Provides privacy while allowing light to pass through, usually more expensive than clear glass.
  • Tinted glass: Adds a tint of color and reduces glare, usually more expensive than clear glass.
  • Laminated glass: Offers increased safety and sound insulation, more expensive due to additional processing.
  • Tempered glass: Known for its strength and safety features, often more expensive than other types.

2. Thickness and quality

The thickness of the glass affects its life and price. Thicker glass panels offer better insulation and sound insulation, but come at a higher price. Additionally, the quality of the glass, including factors such as clarity and finish, can affect the price.

3. Size and fit

The size of the glass partitions and any customization requirements, such as unique shapes or designs, can significantly affect the total cost. Custom designs and larger panels usually require more material and labor, resulting in higher costs.

4. Hardware and accessories

The choice of fittings and accessories such as frames, hinges, handles and locks also affects the cost. High-quality and aesthetically pleasing hardware can add to the overall price of the partition system.

5. Installation costs

Professional installation is essential to ensure the safety and durability of Essential Guide to Costs glass partitions. Installation costs may vary depending on the complexity of the project, location and expertise of the installers.

Leading glass partition suppliers in Abu Dhabi

To provide a comprehensive cost estimate, let’s look at some of the leading glass partition suppliers in Abu Dhabi and their offerings.

1. Abu Dhabi Glass & Aluminum Co. (ADGAC)

Abu Dhabi Glass & Aluminum Co. is one of the leading suppliers of glass partitions in the region. They offer a wide range of products, including clear, frosted and laminated glass partitions.

Approximate price:

  • Clear glass partitions: AED 200-400 per square meter
  • Frosted glass partitions: AED 300-500 per square meter
  • Laminated glass partitions: AED 400-600 per square meter

Additional services:
ADGAC provides customization options and professional installation services, with installation costs typically ranging from AED 50 to AED 100 per square meter.

2. Al Qasimiah Glass & Aluminum LLC

Al Qasimiah Glass & Aluminum LLC is known for its high quality glass products and exceptional customer service. They offer various glass partitions suitable for residential and commercial spaces.

Approximate price:

  • Clear glass partitions: AED 250-450 per square meter
  • Tinted glass partitions: AED 350-550 per square meter
  • Tempered glass partitions: AED 450-650 per square meter

Additional services:
They offer bespoke designs and comprehensive installation services, with installation costs typically ranging from AED 75 to AED 125 per square meter.

3. Emirates Glass LLC

Emirates Glass LLC is a prominent name in the glass industry, known for its innovative products and sustainable practices. They provide a range of glass partition solutions, including high performance and energy efficient options.

Approximate price:

  • Clear glass partitions: AED 300-500 per square meter
  • Frosted glass partitions: AED 400-600 per square meter
  • Energy efficient glass partitions: AED 500-700 per square meter

Additional services:
Emirates Glass LLC offers advanced customization options and professional installation, with installation costs typically ranging from AED 100 to AED 150 per square meter.

4. Al Arabia Glass & Aluminum Company

Al Arabia Glass & Aluminum Company specializes in both standard and custom glass partitions and provides tailor-made solutions to meet specific client needs.

Approximate price:

  • Clear glass partitions: AED 220-420 per square meter
  • Etched Glass Partitions: AED 320-520 per square meter
  • Laminated glass partitions: AED 420-620 per square meter

Additional services:
They provide a wide range of customization options and expert installation services, with installation costs typically ranging from AED 70 to AED 120 per square meter.

Read more on How to Find Affordable Glass Partitions in Dubai: A Complete Guide

Tips for budgeting for your glass partition project

1. Define your requirements

Clearly define your requirements, including glass type, size, design and any other features needed. This will help you get accurate quotes and avoid unnecessary expenses.

2. Get more offers

Request quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices and services. Make sure quotes include all relevant costs such as materials, customization and installation so you can make an informed decision.

3. Consider the long-term value

While it’s important to stick to your budget, consider the long-term value and benefits of investing in high-quality materials and professional installation. Quality glass partitions can improve the aesthetics and functionality of your space and provide lasting benefits.

4. Contingency plan

Include a contingency budget to cover any unexpected expenses or changes in project scope. This will help you stay on track and avoid going over budget.

Read more on Estimating Aluminum Cladding Costs: Factors, Prices and Budgeting Tips


Essential Guide to Costs of glass partitions in Abu Dhabi involves considering various factors, including glass type, thickness, size, customization, hardware and installation. By understanding these factors and reviewing what leading vendors offer, you can make informed decisions and manage your budget effectively. Glass partitions are a valuable investment that can transform your space and provide both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits.

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